Promoting awareness of the archaeology and history of North Devon

Copyright © 2015-2021 North Devon Archaeological Society


Becoming a member:

The Society's committee is made up of individual elected members (including all officers of the Society) and other people co-opted to represent particular community groups or organisations.

We welcome anyone to join our society either as individuals or as representative members of other organisations with a shared interest in our aims of the study of northern Devon.

Members of the North Devon Archaeological Society enjoy the following benefits:

Involvement in field-work, including insurance under our CBA personal and third-party policy while conducting work under the aegis of the Society.

Categories of membership:

Individual Membership (£16) Including all the benefits listed above.

Joint Membership (£24) As above, for two adults at the same address, with shared newsletter.

Student Membership (£8) As above, restricted to persons who are in full-time education. N.B. Insurance for fieldwork does not cover those under 18 years of age.

If you would like to join NDAS, please contact our membership secretary, details below, or download an application form which should be returned along with your subscription.


Subscriptions are due on the 1st April each year. For new members joining between October and December, a subscription of half the annual rate will apply. If a subscription has been paid by a new member between January and March, their subscription will have been deemed to have been paid until 31st March in the following year.

If you belong to a community group that would like to be represented on the NDAS committee, please contact the membership secretary, details below.

Membership Secretary:

Mr Bob Shrigley, 20 Skern Way, Northam, Bideford, Devon. EX39 1HZ