In 2012 15 sites were examined in 13 parishes. A total of 3 commercial organisations
were involved, with South West Archaeology producing 11 reports, AC Archaeology producing
3 reports and Thames Valley Archaeological Services 1 report. Unlike other years
only two of the proposed developments were for wind turbines, but one of them was
for the major Fullabrook wind farm site.
1. Atherington: Crossways, Langridge Cross
This report contains a desk-based assessment and recording of excavation associated
with a proposed manege (horse-riding facility) and access track. The assessment revealed
a late- eighteenth century dwelling had been built on the site but this had been
removed a century later. The excavation revealed walls associated with this dwelling
and later uses, with mainly nineteenth century ceramic material amongst the finds.
2. Bittadon: The Old Rectory
This report on the monitoring of excavations for the construction of a small wind
turbine, revealed only a pair of ditches likely to have been associated with a former
field boundary shown on the 1840 Tithe map. A single find of a sherd of 17th century
slipware suggests that the field boundary was constructed then as part of the enclosure
of open fields.
3. Braunton: 18 South Street
This report records the monitoring of the stripping of topsoil prior to residential
development in the historic core of Braunton. Two evaluation trenches were also excavated
and recorded. Given the location of the site little evidence of mediaeval origin
was discovered. Finds were mainly white refined earthenwares that were dated as post-1720
and North Devon gravel-tempered post-mediaeval wares. There was a single sherd of
North Devon mediaeval coarseware.
4. Braunton: River Caen flood defence improvements
A watching brief was carried out at two locations where flood defences were being
improved: at Hordens Bridge and in the area of the Memorial Gardens and the Bowling
Green. No archaeological features were exposed or significant artefacts recovered
during the groundworks.
5. Brayford: Deerpark Farm, Charles
This report sets out the results of monitoring excavations preparatory to the construction
of a stable and fodder store. Within the context of known Romano-British iron working
in the vicinity and a long and well-documented history, several features were discovered
that suggest the presence of a mediaeval farmstead in the near vicinity of the site.
Finds reinforce this, consisting of a fairly large assemblage of North Devon mediaeval
coarseware. Deposits of iron slag could have been fill from elsewhere or from activity
on site.
6. Brayford: Town Barton Barn, Charles
Another investigation at a site of a proposed stable block and access track close
to Charles revealed no archaeological features or artefacts, disappointingly bearing
in mind the rich historical and archaeological context.
7. Combe Martin: Roman Catholic Church site, Castle Street
This report into the monitoring of groundworks preparatory to construction of a single
dwelling, and subsequent to the demolition of the church, revealed only garden walls
and fill from former mine workings. Finds comprised post-mediaeval North Devon coarseware
and 19th century industrial pottery.
8. East Worlington: East Worlington House
This is a substantial report setting out the results of a desk-based study, historic
building survey and archaeological monitoring carried out between 2007 and 2009 at
the instigation of the current owners. The study provides a comprehensive summary
of the history of East Worlington, the ownership of the manor and the development
of the house, which appears to have been associated with the parish church for much
of its history, and to have provided the parsonage and rectory into the twentieth
century. The survey identifies seven phases of construction, from the original single-cell
chamber block building dating from 1470, through its extension into a hall and cross-passage
house, with a first floor chamber, for much of the sixteenth century and on through
successive extensions, often associated with changes of ownership and occupation.
Monitoring of works carried out by the owner added detail to some of this history
in some parts of the building.
9. King’s Nympton: St James’ Parish Church
This is a brief report of the monitoring of repair works in the north transept and
of the excavation of a service trench outside the church. There were no finds from
within the church. A few finds were recovered from the service trench, mainly ceramic
10. Lynton & Lynmouth: Lynmouth Pavilion
This is a survey of the Lynmouth Pavilion on the Esplanade at Lynmouth, prior to
its demolition and replacement with a purpose-built visitor centre. The two-storey
building was constructed in 1932 as a multi-use building, including a theatre on
the first floor. This use had ceased by the end of the 1950’s and it was in use as
a visitor centre for the next 50 years, until it became too dangerous to use. It
was constructed in a late 19th century cottage style, albeit using full steel trusses
for the roof. It adjoined the 18th century Grade II listed limekilns and 19th century
cliff railway terminus and lay within a Conservation Area. It is owned by Exmoor
National Park Authority, which commissioned the survey.
11. Marwood and Braunton: Fullabrook Wind Farm
At the time of its construction, Fullabrook Wind Farm was the largest onshore wind
farm in England. This report records the results of archaeological investigations
carried out at the time of its construction. The work was commissioned in fulfilment
of conditions on the planning permissions. Prior to the original permission for the
wind farm the scheme was subject to an initial desk-based assessment carried out
by Exeter Archaeology in 2004/5. That assessment had established that there had been
little archaeological work undertaken in the area, but that there was potential for
unrecorded buried archaeological remains, most likely comprising prehistoric settlement,
funerary or agricultural features.
The work carried out subsequently, at the time of construction, comprised geophysical
survey, monitoring of geotechnical test pits, trench evaluation, hedgebank recording
and sample excavations. The majority of the archaeological investigations were either
negative or exposed ditches that were likely to have been agricultural boundaries
or drainage ditches that were of post-mediaeval or modern origin. Fullabrook Down
and the surrounding ridges tended to have been open downland until relatively late
enclosure took place.
Two areas, however, revealed prehistoric activity, comprising the remains of a round
barrow and cremation pits that were considered to date from the Bronze Age and a
possible prehistoric enclosure revealed by the partial excavation of ditches. Both
of these sites were located in the centre of the wind farm where Fullabrook meets
Halsinger Down at a height of 140 to 150 m. two undiagnostic flints were found in
association with these features. The report concludes that the absence of further
evidence of burial activity may well indicate that the barrow is an isolated feature.
It points out that this is not uncommon in this part of North Devon, although a number
of barrow cemeteries are also known, including those at Centery Down and Berry Down,
to the north east of Fullabrook Down.
12. North Molton: Lower Poole Farm
This is an account of historic building recording and monitoring prior to and during
the demolition of three agricultural buildings in the yard of Lower Poole Farm, to
allow the widening of the road to the west. The recording revealed that the buildings
were of no great antiquity and of little merit, being much altered. The earliest
building could have dated to the end of the 18th century but showed little evidence
of previous domestic use.
13. Rose Ash: Hilroy, near Great Ash Moor
Archaeological evaluation was undertaken at a site of a proposed extension to an
agricultural building, in an area of archaeological potential. Several evaluation
trenches were opened but no features were discovered and no finds recovered.
14. South Molton: Kingdon’s Yard, North Street
Kingdon’s Yard lies on the north side of North Street and is to be redeveloped for
housing. This report details a desk-based assessment and inspection of the site.
Occupying the southern part of a late to post-mediaeval formed from the enclosure
of mediaeval arable strips, the site lies north of a possible ancient routeway which
served as the back lane to the burgage plots of the mediaeval borough. The builders’
yard was established after WWII and has been levelled and terraced, so that only
a narrow central section is likely to yield evidence of the original use of the site,
when the intended development takes place.
15. Tawstock: land adjacent to Brannam’s Business Park
This is a report of a desk-based appraisal and evaluation of a site for residential
development. The Devon Historic Environment Record showed a circular cropmark on
a 1946 RAF aerial photo of the site, suggesting a prehistoric enclosure. No traces
of the cropmark were found during the evaluation and it is suspected to be a drying
mark on the photo negative! No archaeological features were observed. Finds included
a substantial amount of late mediaeval and post-mediaeval ceramics, suggesting the
presence of a mediaeval settlement nearby.
Of the 15 reports, only 3 revealed anything of note. The first of these is Deerpark
Farm, Charles which added to the understanding of the development of Charles. The
other two, East Worlington House and Fullabrook Wind Farm, demonstrate the contrast
between research commissioned by an owner motivated to discover the history of a
house, yielding a thorough and well-researched account of the house in its settlement,
religious and manorial context, and work carried out in fulfilment of a condition
on a planning permission, where the outcome is a tantalising glimpse of possibilities,
rather than a fully researched landscape.
Fullabrook wind farm was granted planning permission on appeal by the Secretary of
State. The written scheme of investigation required the monitoring of the localised
impact of excavations carried out in respect of construction works, rather than taking
a more comprehensive view of the historic landscape. The good news is that the research
revealed the presence of a previously unknown prehistoric enclosure and Bronze Age
Barrow. Whilst the ridge to the north of Fullabrook Down is known for its barrows
and funerary monuments, Fullabrook, a secondary ridge, running in a south-westerly
direction towards Braunton, is not. The terms of the permission did not provide for
full evaluation of these features, which might have led to an even greater understanding
of prehistoric settlement in the area.